Marriage Sign ~ Have you been dating the wrong sign?
(too old to reply)
Academic Zodiac 22 Zodiacal Constellations 16 Eastern Ascednants
2008-10-21 18:41:11 UTC
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.

Have you been dating the wrong sign?


Your relationship is based on your true natal sky.

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/astrology


My florist predicts marriage while packing flowers for her clients.
Thus, her clients get to know when they will be married, within an
informal chat. They have no need to go to the astrologer, who would
hardly be able of such a feat. How can this be? The florist in
question is one of the many people we have met and taught a simple
calculus in minutes. They are not astrologers at all, and are
therefore able to perform a little calculus, as well as tell the Sun
sign for anyone they meet. The florist in question can tell you all
the loves in your life, if you stop at her shop for twenty minutes. On
several occasions, people like the local butcher, have framed and
determined the whole life of a surprised client and astrologer, who
got pinned to the point in minutes while the butcher packed the


Now who is the astrologer, the butcher or his client? Another famous
astrology writer received his initiation from a florist, while on
holiday. When he asked her if she were an astrologer, she smiled
sheepishly, as she has never seen an ephemeris, natal chart or
personal computer. She does things by heart. From the heart of the
corner florist and into your ears. Anyone can know the year and month,
also day and hour of his or her marriage. That is done in seconds as
it does not require special astrological knowledge. What we have to
present here is an elaborate introduction in elementary astrology, not
the one you will find in the newspaper, but real sky astrology,
genuine as the flower and fresh bread. In reading forth you will be
baking your flowering future. It took twenty minutes to make an
astrologer from our florist. It will take twenty minutes to read the
following essay. Read it particularly if you are not interested in
astrology at all. The less the interest, the greater the knowledge.
Read it if you hate astrology. Go forth and read it. It was written on
purpose in order to save your children, life, marriage, health and


Your natal ascendant and Sun position may play tricks on you. Having a
false personality bears heavy on one's back. In order to enjoy a
healthy living, accurate scanning of the natal planetary positions is
paramount. After being told that tropical astrology offers one sign of
error, one goes to sidereal or even eastern astrologers, only to be
fooled again. The error is not one sign as popular magazines inform,
but two signs.


Taking that superstition has been more or less standardized through
various programs that calculate planetary positions, we assume that
the programs more or less agree on each other, having 12 ascendants
and 12 zodiacal positions. It is, however, interesting to compare the
results of such programs with the real sky. Here is an example. One
our client has been told that she is “Scorpio” with “Capricorn”
ascendant. While both constellations are clearly misspelled, one
inspects the real sky in order to determine the true positions of the
client's natal planets. Capricornus clearly can not rise at east at
this epoch, thus one does not need any scan in ordine to determine
nonsense. The scan shows Sun in Virgo along with Pisces ascendant.
Everybody can perform this experiment, using any astronomic tool. They
have been cheating on you all of the time, passing unqualified data
under your nose while swindling your karma and daily life with two
signs of error. You have been dating the wrong sign. They will tell
you that in the west you are this and in the east you are that, but
you can easily prove to anyone of them that they are liars who never
knew how to determine the position of the natal Sun for themselves.


Consider making a horoscope for yourself, using any astronomic program
or inbuilt planetarium, rather than ruining family life and your
child's career with dangerous superstition. Always consult NASA Sun
ephemeris. We posted these ephemeris and also published several
animated displays of the real skies on http://lulu.com/astrology Mail
us at ***@yahoo.com and you will receive data directly from
the NASA server.


Here is a strip of the NASA Sun ephemeris. Sai Baba has been born on
November 23rd with Sun in Libra. “Oph” stands for Ophiuchus.

2008-Nov-23 00:00 Lib
2008-Nov-24 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-25 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-26 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-27 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-28 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-29 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-30 00:00 Oph

The Sun spends only a week in Scorpius. Now we were born on Nov 28th.
Guess our zodiacal sign?


Whoever wants to have the wrong organ cut may continue to believe in
the astrology as presented by popular newspapers. It is greatly
assumed that people go to the astrologer for fun, but what if they pay
serious attention to advice? They will have the wrong organ cut out on
the wrong day and hour in the wrong month or year, where there was no
need to cut anything at all, as Neptune was not in that house.

Neptune was not in the other house either. Starting with not knowing
where the Sun is, is an excellent introduction in general chaos where
madman takes advice and counsel from madman. The poor fellow is tossed
forth through Chinese, Mayan, Indian signs and across an array of
specialised tarots in order to reach the end of the month penniless
and confused. The chief of the London Astrology Lodge emerged from the
gypsy's tent confused. Even an excellent astrologer like him could not
know it all. At the time there was no zodiac, ascendants were rambling
around and planets were tossed at random from house to house. Not one
house system was working. Imagine how many cases of divorce issued on
account of Neptune in 7th that was in fact in 6th. Latitude was
unknown and major errors made in further prediction. Some tarot
initiation would help the gypsy, providing that she can set 40 years
apart for the first card. Fortunately, the gypsy wrote no books, to
our best knowledge, blessed may improvise futurity in Heaven.


Now when two people meet, errors multiply. When a Scorpio/Capricorn
meets a Virgo/Aries, the issue is gloomy, as hopefully not depending
on astrology. They will marry anyway. If children are healthy, crops
abundant and prosperity widely spread before the couple, initial
astrological errors can be discarded with meticulous “even the wrong
system works for us” nonchalance.


We determiend the zodiac and ascendant set. The Academic Zodiac is the
great zodiac of our time, the first scientific zodiac that we ever
had. Apart from the 22 zodiacal stations, a second set of precessed
ascendants guards the angel guardian at east from superstition and
false astrology. Your true personality is based on your true natal
sky. The implications of zodiacal reformation as we approach year 2012
are vast as concern its application in masonic ritual, national
heraldry and holy architecture. To begin with, UNICEF will help every
child to true natal skies for everyone. After more than 5000 years, we
have finally taken off the chains that bounded us to false identities
as spelled by false ascendants, sun signs and impossible planetary
positions. Zodiacal reformation is art of the planetary exorcism as
speeding evolution towards Mayan 2011 or 2012.


The LORD forbade Chaldean calculus for several obvious reasons. This
ancient superstition was inaccurate. The Chaldean ascendant was fixed
to an unmoving sky, lacking precession. Some of the ancients believed
in unmoving skies with 12 fixed ascendants. If that would be so, we
would never have precession. False ego is from the devil, as prone to
every kind of superstition, like the 12 ascendants, a popular nonsense
in which many believe to this day. The victims of misinterpretation
can blame authors like Ptolemy but no blame can be attached to
immaculate Hipparchus. Hipparchus strongly rebuked the “astrologers”
of his time, who stole into the marketplace armed with a sheet of
outdated knowledge. In order to cheat on their customers,
“astrologers” invented a nonsensical string of apparently learned
expressions, by which they were hiding a simple truth: they were never
able to determine the position of their own natal Sun.


In order to discreate false ego, we inspected the zodiac and ascendant
set for different epochs. The scan was done in twenty minutes with
primitive tools. In these twenty minutes, the zodiac was determined.
The set of ascendants took less than five minutes to determine. Moses
was an Egyptian initiate who knew how to count the constellations. He
no doubt inspected the Orion cycle as main nether ascendant in ancient
Egypt. The zodiac has 22 constellations, while the eastern ascendants
for the current epoch are only 16 in number. The Hebrew alphabet is
thus compatible with the zodiac, much as popular Tarot games fall in
the category of 22. A separate set, a sort of Minor Arcana, was
devised to serve as ascendant set. This set has a total of 88 cards,
but in various epochs it served as partial set of e.g. 16 or 36 cards.
The court cards of the Tarot may thus represent the set of ascendants
for the current epoch. Thoth gave us only three Tarot initiations, and
for good reasons, while the 4th and 5th are still being written.
Previous epochs, when the Art flourished, had towards two dozen
ascending constellations at due east. It is in one of these epochs
that we established our intent, interest and basis for Egyptian


Newspapers dedicated to superstition will quote each other on the so-
called vernal point in Aries, where the Sun is imagined as rising in
Aries at spring equinox. At this epoch, Aries does not rise at east,
at all. Having “Aries ascending” in one's horoscope is pure fancy.
Aries did ascend, through, at the time of King Arthur, when men were
brave and castles rammed, in order to free the lovely lady and true
mind from the dragon and local tyrant, false ego. Knights born with
Crater ascending would join the Holy Grail pursuit.


The Sun not only does not rise at east in Aries for spring equinox,
but it can be argued whether it rises in Pisces at all. There is a
thin line between Cetus and Pisces as determined by the IAU standards,
with little stars and proofs as to the real constellation the Sun is
in. Cetus has three zodiacal sections through which e.g. The Moon is
driven on its serpentine way towards Aries, where Pluto sinks into
Cetus and towards Eridanus or where Earth co-orbitals and Eris meet.
Pluto can have a conjunction with Eris in Cetus. One of the main
occasions in which astronomers surely had a hearty laughter was when
someone proclaimed a kind of “rulership of Pluto in Aries”. Greenwich
must have roared with laughter when some “astrological lodge” in the
neighborhood proclaimed “Pluto rising in Aries”. The poor astrologers
or whatever they were never knew that Pluto never enters Aries. The
asinine astrologers of our time will surely have Eris in Taurus,
another impossible position. One must pardon people for not knowing
how to calculate the position of their natal sun or lacking money for
a ticket to Greenwich. After all, we are all only human, prone to make
mistakes. Pluto sinks into Cetus from Aquarius, heading towards
Eridanus. Pluto never entered Pisces or Aries and never will. Already
this reliable astronomic fact is enough to debunk “astrology” as
dangerous superstition for the masses. A clever child will come to the
same conclusion, and disallow any influence from authoritative
superstition. And if it is hell to go through, let him head the words
of Sir Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill: “If it is hell you are going
through, keep going.”


In order to ram one's mind into focus, one either stops thinking, like
fishermen often do, or concentrates, like Bobby Fisher often did.
Whatever “method” is valid as psyche falls off in order for true mind
to emerge victorious. All superstition is based on psyche roaming the
psyche. The psyche can not analyse itself, as it was exclusively
forced unto one in order to enslave one. Only the hero can free
Andromeda from chains and Cetus below, false ego. The superhero in
Aries checks Cetus as Lamb of God. All fairy tales and myths are
centered upon the simple fact that Adam is enslaved and liberation
hard to achieve against a strong, unknown and slippery enemy, the
devil. Freud called it psyche.


It would take folio volumes to produce an entertaining reading for
astrology lovers, in which all the facets of this superstition are
ridiculed as faced with scientific facts. We love astrology and pardon
its mistales, but to some extent we feel asinine in following just
every bit of nonsense that brave men added to this fascinating field
of human knowledge over the eons. How can one prove a rainy day to a
believer who soaks wet but believes that it is sunny? False ego is not
even dealt with, it is discarded. We never analysed all the facets of
superstitious astrology, as we clearly determined the zodiac, in order
to have a reliable scientific field in which to work with accuracy.

As nobody cares for accuracy in superstition, the muddy waters are
being muddled even more, thus soon we shall have Spica Virginis
entering “Scorpio”, while this star has spent ages in Libra, as
afforded to her by the fancy of asinine astrologers, who slam planets
here and there according to their bizarre fancy.
Spica Virginis gives the magic flavor to one of the longest zodiacal
stations, Virgo. Where else would Spica Virginis be as main star of
Virgo constellation? It is obviously in Virgo. Astronomers do not
shift this star anywhere else. Why should they? They are dealing with
the real sky and are surely not bent to cheat on us. Precisely because
of their honesty, they are shunned by “astrologers”.
The zodiacal error as presented to the masses is not only two signs or
two constellations. Two signs of error are just the beginning of a
long series of errors that we can not possibly enumerate in our
lifetime and beyond. From a couple of basic errors, all other errors
stem in succession. The most serious error was that we never had a
zodiac. Nobody cared to scan the zodiac. Astronomers apparently never
needed one, as they remain disinterested in zodiacal or ascendental
classifications, quite obsolete in modern astronomy. Astrology was a
funny pastime as based on coffe table belief in 12 rising signs that
serve as zodiacal constellations or signs. Since astrology never
entered the field of science, any superstition served fairly well for
entertainment purpose. If there was a time when astrology was taken
seriously, we must look towards the first examples of Egyptian
synastry. That has been done and reestablished in a refreshed initiate
system, as included in the RTRRT or Real Time Reality Rendering Tools,
a historical name for a set of instant magick techniques. Exorcism can
start with consulting the NASA ephemeris for the Sun. One will find
that e.g. the Sun is in Libra on November 23rd, Sai Baba's birthday.
The ascendant is determined by the eastern star, or guardian angel. At
the present epoch no one can have “Capricorn”, “Scorpio” or Aries
If “Capricorn” is determined by one of the many quack programs in use,
then it is probably Pisces rising at east. Whoever feared one's own
“Capricorn” ascendant may relax, as Capricornus, the proper spelling,
does not rise at east at this epoch.
If they have told you that you are “Scorpio”, relax, because you may
be Virgo.
Orbs were invented to make up for the enormous amount of error. Orbs
have no place in astrology. The event happens to the second it was
predicted. The orb of influence of a planet is pure fancy.
Aspects between projections are replaced with angular aspects in the
real sky.
An unsurmountable deal of asinine literature proposes the most
unbelievable aspects that include 11 or 111 degrees. In a horoscope
where everything is misplaced by miles, the refined charlatans
inspected stuff like an 18 degree aspect. With quarter of sky of error
for planetary position, they played the minute scientist. This is
typical of the psyche, which distracts from the quintessential while
driving people mad with petty nonsense. You will find examples of
people driving mad other people with nonsense in your suburb,
neighborhood and TV.
There is no such thing as Mars opposing Pluto. True, sometimes aspects
come close to 180 degrees, but occasions are rare. If we come to 177
degrees of angular aspect, take five while remembering that 3 degrees
is 3 years of error in direction.
The natal horoscope does not determine the events. The directions
determine the event. Thus for Carl Gustav Jung, the secondary angular
direction of Moon in Cetus determined his childhood.
Alice has been born on Aug 4th 2004 with Moon rising in Cetus, Mercury
in Sextans and Venus in Orion at the Stargate. She has Juno in Scutum
and Pluto in Serpens Cauda, the ascendant of the U.S.A. This diligent
little girl is vital for the future of her nation, but her parents did
not know it before the astral scan has been made for the child.

Klaudio Zic

Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
This copyrighted material has been previously published as available
from http://www.lulu.com/astrology
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or
Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for
commercial purposes or otherwise,
without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by
2008-10-22 20:32:44 UTC
On Oct 21, 2:41 pm, Academic Zodiac 22 Zodiacal Constellations 16
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008,www.lulu.com/astrology.
Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without
the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.
Have you been dating the wrong sign?
All astrology is garbage... why not throw pennies on the ground and
assume that they tell you your true loves initials or follow your dog
around for a few weeks until he/she craps something that looks like a
letter or animal I mean get real!!!
Your relationship is based on your true natal sky.
Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.http://www.lulu.com/astrology
My florist predicts marriage while packing flowers for her clients.
Thus, her clients get to know when they will be married, within an
informal chat. They have no need to go to the astrologer, who would
hardly be able of such a feat. How can this be? The florist in
question is one of the many people we have met and taught a simple
calculus in minutes. They are not astrologers at all, and are
therefore able to perform a little calculus, as well as tell the Sun
sign for anyone they meet. The florist in question can tell you all
the loves in your life, if you stop at her shop for twenty minutes. On
several occasions, people like the local butcher, have framed and
determined the whole life of a surprised client and astrologer, who
got pinned to the point in minutes while the butcher packed the
Now who is the astrologer, the butcher or his client? Another famous
astrology writer received his initiation from a florist, while on
holiday. When he asked her if she were an astrologer, she smiled
sheepishly, as she has never seen an ephemeris, natal chart or
personal computer. She does things by heart. From the heart of the
corner florist and into your ears. Anyone can know the year and month,
also day and hour of his or her marriage. That is done in seconds as
it does not require special astrological knowledge. What we have to
present here is an elaborate introduction in elementary astrology, not
the one you will find in the newspaper, but real sky astrology,
genuine as the flower and fresh bread. In reading forth you will be
baking your flowering future. It took twenty minutes to make an
astrologer from our florist. It will take twenty minutes to read the
following essay. Read it particularly if you are not interested in
astrology at all. The less the interest, the greater the knowledge.
Read it if you hate astrology. Go forth and read it. It was written on
purpose in order to save your children, life, marriage, health and
Your natal ascendant and Sun position may play tricks on you. Having a
false personality bears heavy on one's back. In order to enjoy a
healthy living, accurate scanning of the natal planetary positions is
paramount. After being told that tropical astrology offers one sign of
error, one goes to sidereal or even eastern astrologers, only to be
fooled again. The error is not one sign as popular magazines inform,
but two signs.
Taking that superstition has been more or less standardized through
various programs that calculate planetary positions, we assume that
the programs more or less agree on each other, having 12 ascendants
and 12 zodiacal positions. It is, however, interesting to compare the
results of such programs with the real sky. Here is an example. One
our client has been told that she is “Scorpio” with “Capricorn”
ascendant. While both constellations are clearly misspelled, one
inspects the real sky in order to determine the true positions of the
client's natal planets. Capricornus clearly can not rise at east at
this epoch, thus one does not need any scan in ordine to determine
nonsense. The scan shows Sun in Virgo along with Pisces ascendant.
Everybody can perform this experiment, using any astronomic tool. They
have been cheating on you all of the time, passing unqualified data
under your nose while swindling your karma and daily life with two
signs of error. You have been dating the wrong sign. They will tell
you that in the west you are this and in the east you are that, but
you can easily prove to anyone of them that they are liars who never
knew how to determine the position of the natal Sun for themselves.
Consider making a horoscope for yourself, using any astronomic program
or inbuilt planetarium, rather than ruining family life and your
child's career with dangerous superstition. Always consult NASA Sun
ephemeris. We posted these ephemeris and also published several
animated displays of the real skies onhttp://lulu.com/astrologyMail
the NASA server.
Here is a strip of the NASA Sun ephemeris. Sai Baba has been born on
November 23rd with Sun in Libra. “Oph” stands for Ophiuchus.
2008-Nov-23 00:00 Lib
2008-Nov-24 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-25 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-26 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-27 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-28 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-29 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-30 00:00 Oph
The Sun spends only a week in Scorpius. Now we were born on Nov 28th.
Guess our zodiacal sign?
Whoever wants to have the wrong organ cut may continue to believe in
the astrology as presented by popular newspapers. It is greatly
assumed that people go to the astrologer for fun, but what if they pay
serious attention to advice? They will have the wrong organ cut out on
the wrong day and hour in the wrong month or year, where there was no
need to cut anything at all, as Neptune was not in that house.
Neptune was not in the other house either. Starting with not knowing
where the Sun is, is an excellent introduction in general chaos where
madman takes advice and counsel from madman. The poor fellow is tossed
forth through Chinese, Mayan, Indian signs and across an array of
specialised tarots in order to reach the end of the month penniless
and confused. The chief of the London Astrology Lodge emerged from the
gypsy's tent confused. Even an excellent astrologer like him could not
know it all. At the time there was no zodiac, ascendants were rambling
around and planets were tossed at random from house to house. Not one
house system was working. Imagine how many cases of divorce issued on
account of Neptune in 7th that was in fact in 6th. Latitude was
unknown and major errors made in further prediction. Some tarot
initiation would help the gypsy, providing that she can set 40 years
apart for the first card. Fortunately, the gypsy wrote no books, to
our best knowledge, blessed may improvise futurity in Heaven.
Now when two people meet, errors multiply. When a Scorpio/Capricorn
meets a Virgo/Aries, the issue is gloomy, as hopefully not depending
on astrology. They will marry anyway. If children are healthy, crops
abundant and prosperity widely spread before the couple, initial
astrological errors can be discarded with meticulous “even the wrong
system works for us” nonchalance.
We determiend the zodiac and ascendant set. The Academic Zodiac is the
great zodiac of our time, the first scientific zodiac that we ever
had. Apart from the 22 zodiacal stations, a second set of precessed
ascendants guards the angel guardian at east from superstition and
false astrology. Your true personality is based on your true natal
sky. The implications of zodiacal reformation as we approach year 2012
are vast as concern its application in masonic ritual, national
heraldry and holy architecture. To begin with, UNICEF will help every
child to true natal skies for everyone. After more than 5000 years, we
have finally taken off the chains that bounded us to false identities
as spelled by false ascendants, sun signs and impossible planetary
positions. Zodiacal reformation is art of the planetary exorcism as
speeding evolution towards Mayan 2011 or 2012.
The LORD forbade Chaldean calculus for several obvious reasons. This
ancient superstition was inaccurate. The Chaldean ascendant was fixed
to an unmoving sky, lacking precession. Some of the ancients believed
in unmoving skies with 12 fixed ascendants. If that would be so, we
would never have precession. False ego is from the devil, as prone to
every kind of superstition, like the 12 ascendants, a popular nonsense
in which many believe to this day. The victims of misinterpretation
can blame authors like Ptolemy but no blame can be attached to
immaculate Hipparchus. Hipparchus strongly rebuked the “astrologers”
of his time, who stole into the marketplace armed with a sheet of
outdated knowledge. In order to cheat on their customers,
“astrologers” invented a nonsensical string of apparently learned
expressions, by which they were hiding a simple truth: they were never
able to determine the position of their own natal Sun.
In order to discreate false ego, we inspected the zodiac and ascendant
set for different epochs. The scan was done in twenty minutes with
primitive tools. In these twenty minutes, the zodiac was determined.
The set of ascendants took less than five minutes to determine. Moses
was an Egyptian initiate who knew how to count the constellations. He
no doubt inspected the Orion cycle as main nether ascendant in ancient
Egypt. The zodiac has 22 constellations, while the eastern ascendants
for the current epoch are only 16 in number. The Hebrew alphabet is
thus compatible with the zodiac, much as popular Tarot games fall in
the category of 22. A separate set, a sort of Minor Arcana, was
devised to serve as ascendant set. This set has a total of 88 cards,
but in various epochs it served as partial set of e.g. 16 or 36 cards.
The court cards of the Tarot may thus represent the set of ascendants
for the current epoch. Thoth gave us only three Tarot initiations, and
for good reasons, while the 4th and 5th are still being written.
Previous epochs, when the Art flourished, had towards two dozen
ascending constellations at due east. It is in one of these epochs
that we established our intent, interest and basis for Egyptian
Newspapers dedicated to superstition will quote each other on the so-
called vernal point in Aries, where the Sun is imagined as rising in
Aries at spring equinox. At this epoch, Aries does not rise at east,
at all. Having “Aries ascending” in one's horoscope is pure fancy.
Aries did ascend, through, at the time of King Arthur, when men were
brave and castles rammed, in order to free the lovely lady and true
mind from the dragon and local tyrant, false ego. Knights born with
Crater ascending would join the Holy Grail pursuit.
The Sun not only does not rise at east in Aries for spring equinox,
but it can be argued whether it rises in Pisces at all. There is a
thin line between Cetus and Pisces as determined by the IAU standards,
with little stars and proofs as to the real constellation the Sun is
in. Cetus has three zodiacal sections through which e.g. The Moon is
driven on its serpentine way towards Aries, where Pluto sinks into
Cetus and towards Eridanus or where Earth co-orbitals and Eris meet.
Pluto can have a conjunction with Eris in Cetus. One of the main
occasions in which astronomers surely had a hearty laughter was when
someone proclaimed a kind of “rulership of Pluto in Aries”. Greenwich
must have roared with laughter when some “astrological lodge” in the
neighborhood proclaimed “Pluto rising in Aries”. The poor astrologers
or whatever they were never knew that Pluto never enters Aries. The
asinine astrologers of our time will surely have Eris in Taurus,
another impossible position. One must pardon people for not knowing
how to calculate the position of their natal sun or lacking money for
a ticket to Greenwich. After all, we are all only human, prone to make
mistakes. Pluto sinks into Cetus from Aquarius, heading towards
Eridanus. Pluto never entered Pisces or Aries and never will. Already
this reliable astronomic fact is enough to debunk “astrology” as
dangerous superstition for the masses. A clever child will come to the
same conclusion, and disallow any influence from authoritative
superstition. And if it is hell to go through, let him head the words
of Sir Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill: “If it is hell you are going
through, keep going.”
In order to ram one's mind into focus, one either stops thinking, like
fishermen often do, or concentrates, like Bobby Fisher often did.
Whatever “method” is valid as psyche falls off in order for true mind
to emerge victorious. All superstition is based on psyche roaming the
psyche. The psyche can not analyse itself, as it was exclusively
forced unto one in order to enslave one. Only the hero can free
Andromeda from chains and Cetus below, false ego. The superhero in
Aries checks Cetus as Lamb of God. All fairy tales and myths are
centered upon the simple fact that Adam is enslaved and liberation
hard to achieve against a strong, unknown and slippery enemy, the
devil. Freud called it psyche.
It would take folio volumes to produce an entertaining reading for
astrology lovers, in which all the facets of this superstition are
ridiculed as faced with scientific facts. We love astrology and pardon
its mistales, but to some extent we feel asinine in following just
every bit of nonsense that brave men added to this fascinating field
of human knowledge over the eons. How can one prove a rainy day to a
believer who soaks wet but believes that it is sunny? False ego is not
even dealt with, it is discarded. We never analysed all the facets of
superstitious astrology, as we clearly determined the zodiac, in order
to have a reliable scientific field in which to work with accuracy.
As nobody cares for accuracy in superstition, the muddy waters are
being muddled even more, thus soon we shall have Spica Virginis
entering “Scorpio”, while this star has spent ages in Libra, as
afforded to her by the fancy of asinine astrologers, who slam planets
here and there according to their bizarre fancy.
Spica Virginis gives the magic flavor to one of the longest zodiacal
stations, Virgo. Where else would Spica Virginis be as main star of
Virgo constellation? It is obviously in Virgo. Astronomers do not
shift this star anywhere else. Why should they? They are dealing with
the real sky and are surely not bent to cheat on us. Precisely because
of their honesty, they are shunned by “astrologers”.
The zodiacal error as presented to the masses is not only two signs or
two constellations. Two signs of error are just the beginning of a
long series of errors that we can not possibly enumerate in our
lifetime and beyond. From a couple of basic errors, all other errors
stem in succession. The most serious error was that we never had a
zodiac. Nobody cared to scan the zodiac. Astronomers apparently never
needed one, as they remain disinterested in zodiacal or ascendental
classifications, quite obsolete in modern astronomy. Astrology was a
funny pastime as based on coffe table belief in 12 rising signs that
serve as zodiacal constellations or signs. Since astrology never
entered the field of science, any superstition served fairly well for
entertainment purpose. If there was a time when astrology was taken
seriously, we must look towards the first examples of Egyptian
synastry. That has been done and reestablished in a refreshed initiate
system, as included in the RTRRT or Real Time Reality Rendering Tools,
a historical name for a set of instant magick techniques. Exorcism can
start with consulting the NASA ephemeris for the Sun. One will find
that e.g. the Sun is in Libra on November 23rd, Sai Baba's birthday.
The ascendant is determined by the eastern star, or guardian angel. At
the present epoch no one can have “Capricorn”, “Scorpio” or Aries
If “Capricorn” is determined by one of the many quack programs in use,
then it is probably Pisces rising at east. Whoever feared one's own
“Capricorn” ascendant may relax, as Capricornus, the proper spelling,
does not rise at east at this epoch.
If they have told you that you are “Scorpio”, relax, because you may
be Virgo.
Orbs were invented to make up for the enormous amount of error. Orbs
have no place in astrology. The event happens to the second it was
predicted. The orb of influence of a planet is pure fancy.
Aspects between projections are replaced with angular aspects in the
real sky.
An unsurmountable deal of asinine literature proposes the most
unbelievable aspects that include 11 or 111 degrees. In a horoscope
where everything is misplaced by miles, the refined charlatans
inspected stuff like an 18 degree aspect. With quarter of sky of error
for planetary position, they played the minute scientist. This is
typical of the psyche, which distracts from the quintessential while
driving people mad with petty nonsense. You will find examples of
people driving mad other people with nonsense in your suburb,
neighborhood and TV.
There is no such thing as Mars opposing Pluto. True, sometimes aspects
come close to 180 degrees, but occasions are rare. If we come to 177
degrees of angular aspect, take five while remembering that 3 degrees
is 3 years of error in direction.
The natal horoscope does not determine the events. The directions
determine the event. Thus for Carl Gustav Jung, the secondary angular
direction of Moon in Cetus determined his childhood.
Alice has been born on Aug 4th 2004 with Moon rising in Cetus, Mercury
in Sextans and Venus in Orion at the Stargate. She has Juno in Scutum
and Pluto in Serpens Cauda, the ascendant of the U.S.A. This diligent
little girl is vital for the future of her nation, but her parents did
not know it before the astral scan has been made for the child.
Klaudio Zic
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